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Don Schwindt

Representing: San Juan/Dolores/San Miguel​
Board Term: 2022 to 2025

​ ​​Don Schwindt and his wife Jody started farming in their home community in Southwest Colorado in 1975 producing irrigated hay. As they explored initiating their desire to make their living farming, Don was told it was close to an impossible dream. He is now proud to tell people that he is a first generation agricultural producer. He graduated from Stanford University in 1971 with a degree in anthropology. Don has been active in the water business since 1980, serving locally on the boards of both Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company and the Dolores Water Conservancy District. He is still on the DWCD board. He has been a Colorado board member of the Family Farm Alliance since 1993. He served on the Colorado Water Conservation Board representing the San Juan, San Miguel and Dolores Basins from 1999 through 2008. Don was recently appointed to serve on the board of Southwestern Water Conservation District. The water board business gives a focus to Don’s passion for understanding his community’s history. Don and Jody enjoy spending time with extended family, including their two children and six growing grandchildren.