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State Affairs Committee

The 200+ member State Affairs Committee is a powerhouse of the Colorado Water Congress and steers the organization's legislative efforts. The committee meets weekly at 8am every Monday during the Legislative Session. It reviews all water-related legislation and takes positions on bills for which it establishes two-thirds consensus.

The Colorado Water Congress' impressive legislation track record is a result of strong cooperation among legislators, water-related organizations, and water users who participate in this unique committee. The Chairpersons of the House and Senate Agricultural Committees, and several members of the State Legislature, regularly participate in committee meetings.

The Committee's success relies on continued collaboration among the diverse committee members representing all interests of the multi-faceted water industry. Click on an individual committee member's image for more information.

Colorado State Capitol

You must be a paying member of the State Affairs Committee to view Committee documents. Committee documents are available in your Member Info Hub under Resources. You can log into the Member Info Hub through Member Login from the menu on the top of the screen or HERE.

Find our State Affairs Advocacy page HERE.

Members participating in the State Affairs Committee are sponsored by organizations that are CWC Members and pay a minimum of $1,000.00 in annual membership dues. The State Affairs Committee fee is $325.00 per year, per person (Primary and Alternate members), allowing organizations to designate as many Alternate members as they desire. The committee fees are billed with your membership renewal dues each year. The State Affairs Committee fees and membership dues must be in good standing before participation on the committee. Committee participation and voting procedures are set forth in the Committee Rules. Committee fees cover the costs of supporting materials, legislative tracking, CWC lobbying work, and audio conferencing.

Join our Stairs Affairs Advocacy HERE.


John McClow, Chair
Lee Miller, Vice Chair
Aaron Citron, Second Vice Chair
Dianna Orf, Lobbyist


Beth Van Vurst, Parliamentarian